Around God’s Table - a Liturgical Festival
May 6 -7 , 2017
A Collaboration of Christ Church Cathedral & Camp Washington
Around God’s Table - Schedule at a Glance
Saturday, May 6, 2017 – Arrive at Camp Washington, Our Place in Morris
9:00-9:45 Registration
Youth check-in to cabins
All gather in Kenyon Hall for Opening Session
Coffee and snacks available
10:00 Introductions
Opening Prayer & Welcome
Schedule for day and Introduction of “leadership teams”
10:30 Instructed Eucharist – The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas and The Rt. Rev. Laura J. Ahrens
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Keynote Speaker- The Rev. Carlos de la Torre: Our Selves, Our Souls and Bodies:
Our Participation in the Sacraments of God
1:45- 2:30 Workshop Session 1 (101)
Table Talk RSVP
Herding Cats, aka Verging
Liturgical Banners: Part 1
The word according to THE BOOK!
Playing with Fire
Music Clinic: Part 1
2:45- 3:30 Workshop Session 2 (201)
Worship Planning – for those participating in Sunday’s worship planning at the Cathedral on May 7th.
Liturgical Jeopardy
Liturgical Banners: Part 2
Holy Smokes, Batman!
Music Clinic: Part 2
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Always
3:45 Church Bloopers – sharing of stories
4:15 Wrap Up- Music and Closing Prayers
4:30 Adults depart / Camp Overnight program begins for youth!
5:00 Stump our Bishops!
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Evening Camp Activity Session and Campfire
9:00 Compline
Sunday, May 7, 2017 – We Reconvene at Christ Church Cathedral, Our place in Hartford!
6:00 Rise and shine Campers!
7:00 Breakfast & pack up cabins
8:15 Buses depart from Camp Washington to the Cathedral
9:15 Youth and Adults Arrive at Cathedral, gather in auditorium for instructions
10:00 The Liturgy of The Word and Celebration of The Holy Eucharist
All who participated in festival will take part in the Liturgy!
11:15 Festive Reception to follow
Parents sign out kids and pick up at Cathedral