Summer Camp FAQ's
When can I visit Camp Washington?
The best time to visit Camp Washington is during on of our annual Open House events. Staff will be on hand to give guided tours and answer any questions you might have. You will learn about activities, tour camp, meet counselors, and then enjoy a cook-out!
Our 2021 Open House dates are will be announced in early spring. Registration for these events will be online as the dates approach. If you can't make it to our Open House, please call the camp office during business hours to schedule a tour. Dates and times for these tours may be limited.
When do I drop off and pick up my child?
Registration for camp sessions begins at 2 pm on opening days, and runs until 4pm.
Pick-up on closing days is at 3:30pm.
For certain sessions, registration and pick up times may vary, but a complete list of drop-off and pick-up times can be found by session in the Parent Handbook (currently being updated) found at the top of this page.
What should my child bring with him/her to Camp?
There are a few items it is absolutely necessary your child bring along with them.
We do not provide bedding, so it is important that you provide either a sleeping bag or a set of sheets for your child.
Please be sure to include at least one pair of long pants(not capris), and a pair of closed toed shoes such as sneakers or hiking boots. All children will be involved in at least one program that journeys into the woods, so being fully covered is important.
For a more comprehensive list of what to include in your child's packing, please consult the Parent Handbook (currently being updated) found at the top of this page.
Is there anything my child should NOT bring?
We at Camp Washington hope to encourage a close interaction with and appreciation of God's natural creation. We also hope to facilitate the development of solid relationships amongst our campers and our staff. As such, it is Important that campers refrain from bringing along any type of electronic devices.
Campers will not need money during their time at camp. There is not an opportunity to spend it, so it is best left at home.
Inappropriate clothing is also discouraged. Clothing with inappropriate language or logos, as well as revealing clothing, should be left behind along with weapons of any kind, including knives. Again, for a more comprehensive list, please consult the Parent Handbook (currently being updated) .
May I visit or call my camper during their stay?
Parents should not plan to visit their children during their short stay at camp. Often visits can serve to further upset a homesick camper or the other members of their cabin.
For the same reason we ask you not to phone your child while at camp, campers do not have access to public phones. Should you have a concern, please do not hesitate to call the office at any time, and we will be more than happy to speak with you!
In the event of an emergency, please call the camp office, or call the health center and the nurse will put you in contact with the camp director.
Will my child need a physical exam?
YES! The State of Connecticut and The American Camp Association, the accrediting body for camps, require that each camper have a copy of the results of a medical examination, signed by a licensed physician, physicians assistant, APRN or RN. Physical exams are valid for 3 years from the date of the last exam.
It is required that a new Health History Form be completed each year for every camper, complete with parent signatures. That form can be found on our website. Further details regarding health history and required documentation for medications can be found in the Parent Handbook (currently being updated).
What should I bring with me on opening day?
We encourage all families to bring along an extra copy of paperwork on opening day. While online registration has made tracking paperwork more efficient, the post office and fax machines sometimes lose things. To ensure that your registration goes smoothly, consider bringing an extra copy of your paperwork, just in case!
How do I get to Camp Washington?
If you are using a GPS system, or your phone for navigation, please use the following address:
190 Kenyon Road
Morris, CT 06763
2021 Fees & schedule
Summer Camp 2021 Schedule
MINI Camp, ages 5-10 : July 7-9, 2021 : $295
MINI Day Camp, ages 5-10 : July 7-9, 2021 : $150
Children's Camp 1, ages 7-12 : July 11-16, 2021 : $595
Children's Camp 2 (2 week), ages 7-12 : July 25 - August 6, 2021 : $1,350
Teen Camp 1, ages 12-16 : July 18-23, 2021 : $595
Teen Camp 2 (2 week), ages 12-16 : July 25 - August 6, 2021 : $1,350