Our Generous Donors...Thank You.
Everything we do at Camp Washington is made possible by the grace of God, and the generosity, support and encouragement of many, many donors. Thank you!
The donors listed represent community members who supported Camp Washington by making gifts to the Annual Fund, Bishops’ Fund for Children, Campership Fund, CarlEmelia Worth Memorial Fund, or ECCT’s Joining Jesus Initiative between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021.
Harriet Ackerman
Dwayne Acton
All Saints Episcopal Church - Concord, NC
Jim Allen
Joseph S. & Patricia M. Anderson
Peter L. & Margaret M. Anderson
Anonymous (3)
Jean Mills Aranha
Diane Atwood & Jennifer Sicignano
The Rev. Canon Lance Beizer
Carmelita Blake
Cyra Borsy
Thomas & Ann Bott
Donna Brown
Budget Printers & Embroiderers
Gary & Susan Buonanno
Nancy Burke
Robert Cairns
The Rev. Michael & Marian Carroll
Barbara Chamberlain
Christ & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church - Westport, CT
Christ Episcopal Church - Greenwich, CT
Christ Episcopal Church - Pomfret, CT
Christ Episcopal Church - Roxbury, CT
Christ Church Cathedral - Hartford, CT
Church of the Epiphany - Southbury, CT
Ronald Clarke
Elizabeth Cloud
Arlene Coleman
Douglas L. Coleman
Robert & Edith Connolly
George Coulombe
Nicola Culmo
Gretchen Curry
Cheryl Czuba
Vernelle Davis
The Rev. & Mrs. Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Madison Day
Nikkya Hargrove
Nonie & Dudley Diebold
The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas
ECW of Grace Church - Windsor, CT
Ward Edgerton
Dr. Arthur Engler & The Rev. Ronald Kolanowski
Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of CT
Betsey Evarts
The Rev. Curtis Farr
Catherine & Anthony Filiato
Tom Foley
Gerald & Katheryne Gall
Victoria Garr
Patricia Garrett
David & Sharon Gartner
Bart Geissinger & David Tuttle
The Rev. Jack Gilpin
The Rev. Jane Hale
Deborah L. Halpryn
Rebecca Hays
Nancy H. Hill
Diane Hodgkins
Kevin Holland
Karen & John Holmes
The Rev. Robert & Priscilla Hooper
Barnaby Horton
Dorothy Johnson
The Rev. Stephanie Johnson
Maryann & Bardwell Jones
Lynne Jordal
The Rev. Lois Keen
Linda & Guy Kelley
Jean Elizabeth Kelsey
The Kelsey Family
Joeseph F. Kenney Jr
David F. King
Kathy King
The Rev. Stephen B. Klots
John Koch
Kenneth L. Koester
Trish Leonard
Whitworth W. Lewis
Katrina Lewonczyk
The Rev. Steven & Thea Ling
Barbara Lisman
Linda Long
Kathryn Longo
Jonathan Lynch
Judith Manderbach
Richard A. Manwaring
Judith Martinez
Mark & Jean McDermott
Duncan & Elizabeth McDonald
Andrew McMaster
Dwight Miller, MD
Eileen Mitchell
Christine Moreyn
Gary P. Naegel
Rosemary & Gerald Nahley
Joanna Najarian-Garb
Gary & Kady Nicksa
Norbert E. Mitchell Co., Inc.
Dawn & Andrew Nunn
Sharon O'Brien
Richard Olson
Stuart & Alicia Orrick
Julia Parker Post
Carolyn Parrott
The Rev. Anna & Charles Pearson
Meredith Penfield
Elizabeth Peters
The Rev. Thom & Kristin Peters
The Rev. Joan Phelps
Julie & John Potter
The Rev. Marston & Pamela Price
David R. Pruett
Adrienne Reedy
Kaye D. Robertson
The Rev. Jean Baptiste Rock
Thomas A. Rouse
The Rev. Bruce M. Shipman
Nancy L. Skilton
Vi Smalley
The Rt. Rev. Andrew & Kate Smith
St Andrew's Episcopal Church - Kent, CT
St John's Episcopal Church - Pine Meadow, CT
St John's Episcopal Church - Vernon, CT
St Luke's & St Paul's Episcopal Church - Bridgeport, CT
The Rev. E. Bevan & Alinda Stanley
Lynn Stobaeus Mayo
Hans A. Stukenbrok
Margaret & William Sullivan
David Sykes
Douglas T. Tansill
The Upholstery Shed - Kathy Martin
Nancy Thode
Katharine & Walter Thompson
Ben & Michelle Toby
Trinity Episcopal Church - Collinsville, CT
Trinity Episcopal Church - Newtown, CT
Trinity Episcopal Church - Southport, CT
Jacob Troiano
The Rev. Heidi Truax
Nancy Twinem
United Alarm Services, Inc.
Karen & Robbert van der Horst
Raymond Wedlake
Maria Weggeman
Kerry & Robert Whitham
Athenaide Dallett in Memory of CarlEmelia Worth
MaryLouise Ennis-Shoemaker in Memory of Abbott W. White
Barbara Kataoka in Memory of Thomas Hryb, Christ Episcopal Church
Katrina Lewonczyk in Memory of Maureen Haas
Sophfronia Scott Gregory & Darryl Gregory in Memory of Vassie & Ruby Scott
Jeanette Skoczylas in Memory of Thad Skoczylas, Jr
Susan Holden Spaeth in Memory of John W. Spaeth III
Janet M. Spinning in Memory of former camper David Spinning
Stephanie Wheeler in Memory of Russell Wheeler, Jr
David A. White in Memory of Abbott W. White
in Memory of Jenny Hernandez
Paula Bokros in Honor of The Hatch Family
Ann A. Bott in Honor of Tom Bott
Victoria Bott in Honor of Tom Bott for Father's Day
Susan & Michael Eanes in Honor of Bart Geissinger
The Rev. Brett Figlewski in Honor of Henry Joseph Figlewski
Katherine & Bernd Foecking in Honor of The Rt. Rev. Thomas Clark Ely
The Rev. Matthew & Jennifer Handi in Honor of the wonderful Staff at Camp Washington
Shirley McGarry in Honor of Bart Geissinger, Diane Atwood and Ben Thompson
Christ Church - Roxbury, CT in Gratitude for Bart Geissinger's support
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
George & Pamela Allen
Anonymous (2)
Courtenay D. Austin
Laura Breslin
The Rev. Bennett & Linda Brockman
Betsy Buckley
Hope Childs
Christ Episcopal Church – Middle Haddam, CT
The Rt. Rev. Clarence Coleridge
John & Susan DeWolf
Roberta Deming Dorsee
Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of CT
Daphne W. Finney
Haydee Frankson-Bish
Mary E. Hughes
James T. Hutton
Theodora Jameson
The Rev. Tracy & Fitzroy Johnson Russell
Barbara A. Kirk
John & Kirsti Langbein
Donald R. Millberry
National Financial Services LLC
Arnold & Gretchen Pritchard
Virginia Robinson
Maureen Smith
St George's Episcopal Church – Middlebury, CT
St James' Episcopal Church – Farmington, CT
Dr. J.W. Streett
Edith Sylvester
The Rev. Richard F. Tombaugh
Robert Trafford
Trinity Episcopal Church – Newtown, CT
Roberta C. Walmsley
Daphne H. Wilcox
Deirdre Taylor in Memory of John & Margaret Taylor
Jon Stevens in Honor of Gerald Stevens
Dorothy L. Berger
Gerald Binnington Jr
Bob Thomas Ford
W. Frazier Brinley
The Rev. Bennett & Linda Brockman
Betsy Buckley
Candace Chase & Richard Levich
Henry Chase
D. Larry Coleman
Jane W. D'Arista
Martha Dayton
Violet M. Downer
Barbara Dratch
Ronald H. Dukenski
Daniel Fitzin
Matt Fitzsimons
Bette T. Forcash
The Rev. Jack Gilpin
Ann Gold
Gretchen Hachmeister & Randel Orzano
Gerald & Barbara Hess
Judy Hinman
The Rev. Edwin Jimenez-Irizarry
Winnifred Judge
The Rev. Louise Kalemkerian
Jessica Keizer
Deborah & Darryl Kenney
Daniel Kingman
Barbara A. Kirk
Fr. Donald and Joanne Lillpopp
Leigh MacDougall
Judith Manderbach
Richard A. Manwaring
Andrew McMaster
Harry E. Meyer
Robert Montgomery
Marie Mumaugh
Richard Olson
Randy Orzano & Gretchen Hachmeister
Olga Pannone
Charles B. Phelps
William Possidento & David Walker-Price
Julie & John Potter
Irene Rennie
Donald & Margaret Romanik
Susan Holden Spaeth
The Rev. Linda Spiers
St Michael's Church – Naugatuck, CT
Dr. J.W. Streett
John & Dorothy Sutton
Curtis L. Symes
Richard M. Wenner
Joanne Wojtusiak
Lucia J. Wolgast
Daniel Fitzin in Memory of Marion Fitzin
Judith H. Lawes in Memory of David Thomas
Barbara W. Spencer in Memory of George H. Spencer
Jeffrey Woods in Memory of Thomas J. and Constance Woods
Florence L. Selleck in Honor of Sterling Selleck, Jr
Lee Allan Tryon in Honor of The Rev. Canon Robert G. Carroon, Ph.D.
Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of CT
Bonnie Hammer
St James' Episcopal Church - Preston, CT
Marc Wiest
Abigail Williamson
Cheryl Czuba in Memory of Will Costello
The Rev. George & Nancy Razee in Memory of The Rev. Robert Watson
Joal Lentz in Honor of The Rev. Ann Perrott and her Ministry at Christ Church - Middle Haddam, CT
The Rev. Don Burr
Mandy Fredricksen
Allegra Molkenthin
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Laura J. Ahrens
The Rev. Marilyn Anderson
St. Andrew's Church, Madison
Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford
Christ Church of Bethany and Woodbridge, Bethany
The Rev. Sandra L. Cosman
Emmanuel Church, Weston
Louis and Doris Fuertes
Bart Geissinger and David J. Tuttle
The Hatch Family
The Rev. Bob & Priscilla Hooper
St. James' Church, Danbury
St. James' Church, Glastonbury
St. John's Church, Washington
Minot and Alycyn Nettleton
St. Paul's Church, Riverside
St. Paul's Church, Brookfield
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson
Catherine Schrull
Eric and Rachel Thomas
Trinity Church, Brooklyn
Jacob Troiano
Lisa and Geoffrey Hahneman in memory of Joe and Bette DiNunno
Katrina Frances Lewoncyzk in memory of Maureen Haas
The Rev. Alice Mindrum and Tom Mindrum in memory of James Anderson Mindrum
The Rev. Diana M. Rogers in memory of the Rev. Cody C. Unterseher
Sophfronia Scott in memory of Vassie and Ruby Scott
Andrew Bott in honor of Thomas Bott III